Sunday, May 31, 2015

Members Picnic

Today was the special day -- the day when I know summer is just around the corner -- the day of the Taliaferro Farms member's picnic. It's the day when CSA members flock to the farm to meet each other, see the farm, and eat a great spring bounty provided by Robin, Pete and their big family.

The weather was a bit damp, but it didn't stop anyone from enjoying their farm time. Pete tried to rally a crowd to ride the Kubota tractor for a hay ride, but I think it was still a bit chilly for most.

That didn't stop anyone from riding their bike
or from having hot hamburgers or steak slices from Full Moon Farms.

Full Moon farms has been providing these wonderful meats for all the meat eaters out there for many years now.

First Pickup Coming Soon

Opening day is Thursday June 11th at 9am. The opening times are on the right hand side of this blog so you can refer to it any time you want.

I saw these beautiful strawberry plants today. I hope we can get some strawberries on June 11th...

Not a member yet? 
As far as I know, you can still join the CSA. You can also come to the Farm stand on the open times and purchase directly, but becoming a member has extra benefits such as free flower picking, extra produce items each week, this spring picnic, and the Thanksgiving share (when you sign up for the following season). So come and join us today and enjoy the fruits of Community Supported Agriculture.

Don't forget the Chickens

See you on June 11th!