Sunday, May 26, 2013

Planning for the First Day

First Pickup is Coming!

I talked to Robin before the Memorial Day holiday and she said that Thursday, June 6 is planned as the opening day. That means that Thursday, Friday and Saturday that week will be the first pickup days. If you're a CSA member you'll get a notice in the mail. I'm definitely looking forward to some fresh produce. I have exhausted my frozen supplies from last season and it's time for something wholesome and new. Stay tuned for more information and get ready for some good food.

By the way, if you didn't see the picnic pictures,  be sure to see them here:

Friday, May 24, 2013

what pete brought in to show me

This morning, Pete brought these baby vegetables in
to show me. Everything is coming. At the bottom is a baby beet. in the middle
is a baby snap pea. At the top are baby carrots.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Food, Entertainment, and You

I just got back from today's annual picnic. I'm generally an introvert, but I always look forward to the picnic. People are easy to talk to and make me feel like I'm part of something. The food is always wonderful, and just being on the farm makes me feel closer to the cycles of nature. OK, I won't bore you any longer, but will get right to what you're all waiting for... Pictures! There are lot of pictures, so please click: 

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17th

Pete is returning back down the isle, cultivating the strawberries.
More cultivating of the strawberries. Lots of blossoms!
 Beth and Freddie planting lettuce
 Sarah planting with Beth and Freddie
Ian got the maze done for the CSA and farm card
members farm picnic on this Sunday, May 19th.
The children are going to love it!
Here is another shot in the middle of the maze

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Here is Leigh, on our trip to the orchard.

The orcahrd blossoms are beautiful.
Pete says if we avoid frost we will have a great apple crop.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Apples are Blooming

Robin with Apple Blossoms
Robin with Apple Blossoms
When I was at the farm during the Earth-Day Cleanup, I noticed that the view towards the mountains looked different. The apple trees were gone!

Robin said the trees were aging and were not producing as much as trees in their prime. You may remember that last season the farm had no apples. This was because the apple trees were in a low lying area and got hit by the frost that settled into low lying areas last spring. So, the decision was made to remove them and use the land for other crops.

But don't despair -- Pete has leased apple trees in a small orchard nearby and is taking good care of them. Those trees are situated higher up and are closer to their prime years. So, with luck we will have apples again this year.

Robin and I took a short drive to the apple orchard on Friday. It was raining slightly so the pictures are not very dramatic, but at least you can see the lovely blossoms. If you click on the pictures, you can see them full size.

Robin with trees
Robin enjoying the trees

A nice row

another nice row

More trees

My weather forecast is saying "freeze warning in effect from 2 am to 8 am EDT Tuesday" so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing is lost on the farm.

If you're a CSA card member you should have gotten a letter about the picnic on Sunday May 19th. See everyone there!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4th- Pete got the potatoes in today.
Our members picnic for Taliaferro Farms CSA members  and Taliaferro Farm farm card members will be on Sunday May 19th 2013 from 11:00-2:00.  It's a great time!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 1st!  Yay!
Here are some of Sarah's new batch of chickens.

Here are some more babies.

Lots of greens coming up beautifully in the greenhouse.

The garlic is coming up beautifully too!

The seed potatoes came today. They cost a good chunk of change,
over $3000.00 just for the seed potatoes.