I'm actually not able to make it to the farm stand today, but I wanted to share the photos I took on Aug 12th when I walked around the farm with Robin. It rained for most of our walk, so I had a small taste of what it feels like to be working in the elements.
Leigh and Robin |
Pete and Robin proudly showed me these
strawberry plants. They will be ready for next season. You can see how robust they are. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a big crop.
lettuces that we eat are mostly grown in these greenhouses.
Another shelter contained this large batch of onions that will be spread out and dried. This picture is about a third of the stack.
In the fields, we came across an entire section of
cilantro. I have never seen cilantro in bloom. It was beautiful. Robin reminded me that "everything goes to flower" eventually.
Smart Weed
Now, the farm is organic but there are still protections that need to be taken to keep the crops as healthy as possible. One thing that Pete is able to use is an extract of the
smartweed plant. This picture is not the best, but perhaps you recognize this plant from your own yard. It's basically considered a weed, but Pete says it's high in antioxidants and is effective in battling some diseases that threaten crops.
The other thing Pete can do to help keep the crops safe is to discourage deer.
Deer Deterrent Fence
We went to the part of the farm that is surrounded by this tall fence. It really has helped keep the deer from damaging the crops. There are plenty of other things for them to eat nearby.
Here is a new batch of chicks that are being carefully cared for.
While we were finishing our rounds, two members came by to pick some herbs. They were enjoying themselves as you can see from this photo.
We also came across Pete and Mira sorting watermelons.
Mira is half of the couple (Mira & Dakota) that is apprenticing at the farm this year.
And last but not least, I came across Delaney sorting tomatoes.
Well, that was my walk through with Robin. It was really great to see all the activity that happens when we're not there.