Friday, November 1, 2013

Wet and Spooky

It's Thursday again and I was hoping to avoid the rain during my trip to the farm. Alas, it was not meant to be; it was raining steadily while I was there. Nevertheless, I did scope it out. Even though it's getting chilly outside, I saw lots of great food. Here are some highlights:

  • apples
  • frisee, French crisp, arugula
  • kale (2 kinds), tender greens, pac choi
  • sweet potatoes, white potatoes
  • spaghetti squash, butternut squash
  • green peppers, jalapeno peppers
  • garlic, scallions
  • beets, carrots
I saw no green beans. Eggplants were available as seconds.

I really love kale...I've been getting lots of kale over the last few weeks. I cook it, eat some, then freeze the rest. In the middle off January it makes me very happy to pull kale out of my freezer and have it taste just as fresh as it does now. I got curious about some other ways to prepare kale and I looked at wikipedia. It reports that in parts of Africa kale is boiled with coconut milk and ground peanuts. That sounds really interesting!

Red Russian Kale
Red Russian Kale
In Denmark and Sweden, apparently kale is minced and boiled, then simmered for several hours in stock and cream. The cream at the farm would be a great way to try that dish! The farm has wonderful dairy products available. Be sure to get some now while the season is still underway.

I didn't get any arugula this week (because I stocked up on kale), but it looked so good!

I try to get mushrooms every week. This was the batch I got today.

Ian's Tree Service

You've probably seen the benches for sale at the farm stand. Those benches were made by Ian, Pete's son. He has started a tree service business.

Ian Taliaferro Tree Service 845-542-1159

If you have a tree down or one you are worried will come down in the next storm, give Ian a call. Here he is heading out in his truck.

 Sign Up for 2014 Season

Brochures are ready with the details for the 2014 season. It doesn't look like the website is updated yet. If you have any questions about the sign up details, be sure to ask Ana or Delaney since they can answer all your questions. The brochures are yellow and are right next to where you sign in.

The prices have increased. I have been a member for 3 years now and the prices have been the same the entire time, so an increase is due. Farming is a difficult business and Pete works hard to make his family farm profitable so he can provide for his family's future. I know that I am relieved to be able to shop at the farm stand away from the carnival-like distraction of brightly lit and crowded supermarkets full of questionable food products. As a vegetarian, my half-share provides me with enough to eat each week and to freeze for the winter. Pete works within the community to help others around him, so I feel good about that too. I feel like my purchase benefits me as well as the Taliaferros. My dollars can make an impact.

Please renew your membership before November 15th and enjoy the Thanksgiving share with your renewal. I take my Thanksgiving share with me when I travel to visit my friend and we make an organic smorgasbord!

Tractor Obsession

I saw this view today through the rain and I liked how both tractors lined up.

Ana Obsession

I know that last week I claimed not to have an obsession with Ana. I'll let you be the judge...

Ana's Pants

Happy Halloween!

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