Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bean Bonanza

(Hrs: Th 8a-7p, F 9a-6p, S 9a-3p)

First off, let me say tomatoes are still coming in...patience, my children. There weren't enough ripe tomatoes for a whole unit for each member, so instead Pete decided to give each member a free tomato. I know it's not enough to cook with, but you can have a nice tomato salad or sandwich. The weather just isn't quite hot enough for them to ripen as quickly as we would all like. Patience...

There are green bell peppers this week!
bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, tomato
bell and jalapeno peppers , and tomato
Also new this week is sorrel. I think the best way to use it is in soups or small amounts in salads. But you may have your own personal ideas! Feel free to share them in the comments.

Bean Bonanza

Yes, there are THREE, 3, three different types of beans offered today. Be sure to take some home!
Haricot, Romano, and Green beans
Haricot, Romano, and Green beans
So, there were lots and lots of items to choose from at the Farm Stand. Here is the full list of what I saw Thursday:
  • Cucumbers, Lettuce Mix
  • Carrots, Celery
  • Potatoes 
  • Leeks
  • Dried Onions and Garlic
  • Sorrel
  • Kale and large Cabbage
  • Beets
  • Zucchini and Squash
  • Green Bell Peppers
  • Beans -- Green, Haricot, and Romano
zucchini and squash
Beautiful squash
There were also a few free items. These are not seconds, but Pete's way to give us more choice while some crops are still coming in: tomato, jalapeno pepper, parsley. Amounts are currently limited for these items.

Vendor Items

New this week is Bluefield Farms Maple Syrup. It's in Mason jars and is (in my opinion) the most awesome maple syrup I've ever had. It's super-local from right here in New Paltz. Be sure to get some today. Store it in the refrigerator or freezer for longer term storage.

The quiche and butter have been restocked.

Major Weed Wacker

Major Weed Wacker
Major Weed Wacker...
Ian was mowing down some serious weeds between two fields with this major weed wacker. (Yes, I'm referring to the tractor, not Ian.)

Flowers Sneaking a Peek

Members can cut their own flower bouquet. Be sure to stop on your way out and cut a nice bunch. The zinnias are now starting to show their faces, so please cut them to help them flower more and more. I'll end here with two flower photos. See you at the farm!


more zinnias

Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 8 Brings Potatoes and Leeks

(Reminder: Stand Open Thurs 8a-7p, Fri 9a-6p, Sat 9a-3p)

So many things to choose from this week. Here's what I saw on Thursday:
  • Carola Potatoes
  • Leeks, Spring Onions
  • Garlic, Basil
  • Green Beans
  • Carrots, Beets
  • Lettuce Mix, Cucumbers
  • Zucchini, Squash, Ronde de Nice
  • Lacinato Kale, Broccoli, Cabbage
Here's a photo of the Carola potatoes. They are a nice small size which makes them super-fast to cook. No need to peel them, eat the whole thing.
Carola Potatoes
 These are the garlic that I showed drying last week.
Freshly dried garlic
Freshly dried garlic

Last week I mentioned that tomatoes were almost ready. Well, they are still almost ready! It is likely to be another week or two before they are ripe enough. But, peppers are expected next week. Here's a nifty photo from the field:
bell peppers
Bell Peppers almost ready!
Another scrumptious item we can expect soon are sweet potatoes. I don't have an underground camera, so I can only imagine what they look like right now, but here's what the leaves look like. I didn't realize that sweet potatoes have such pointy leaves...with a little bit of purple tinge. Pete laughed at me when I told him I thought they were eggplants (because of the purple tinge to the leaf edges). It's a good thing I leave the food growing to him!
sweet potato plants
Sweet potatoes almost ready!
Rows and rows of sweet potatoes

 Herb Garden Peaking

Please check out the herb garden -- it's behind the swing sets. Herbs are free to cut for members. John or Robin will have scissors at the farm stand. The area has been weeded and everything is peaking right now. I like to cut herbs and dry them for winter use.

Vendor Offerings

Chickens: Pete told me the fresh chicken I mentioned last week "flew out of here". The chicken that is still left has been moved to the freezer so look for it there.

Mushrooms: I love these super-fresh, tasty, mushrooms, and the containers are generous. Great for mushroom lovers and the less enthusiastic.
rainbow mushrooms

Dairy: When I was there Thursday, dairy was out of stock. But John said he was expecting it to be re-stocked by the end of the day.

Goat Cheese:  The goat cheese is back in stock. I guess someone said just the right things to the goats.

Fence Installation

I have reported before that deer have caused increasing damage on the farm and so Pete had no choice but to begin fencing them out.
deer print
At least this deer print is outside the fence.
 The fencing project is basically complete now. Looking west we see the fence is farther than my camera can see.
Looking West along fencing project.
Here is a photo of the same corner brace that Rich was working on before.
Same corner brace that Rich was working on.
The area is not 100% contained by the fence. There are some large openings for trucks and equipment to get through that do not have gates. So, the deer can still get into the area. However, now they have to work a little bit harder. It should help to control the trampling and excessive snacking by the deer.

See you next week!

I will leave you with this photo I took of a chicken during Week 8 of the 2013 season. Everything is wet and I think it was raining. This chicken may be all wet, but I wouldn't want to cross him -- look at his formidable legs!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Chickens Currently, Goat Cheese Now, Tomatoes Later

Farm Store Hours: Thurs 8-7, Fri 9-6, Sat 9-3
This post contains pictures of meat at the bottom.

Here's a list of vegetables available during my visit today. As usual I point out that weather, staffing, and general availability may alter the offerings from day-to-day or hour-to-hour. Farmer Pete tries to offer as much as he can at any time.
Round Squash
Ronde de Nice
  • Cabbage, Broccoli, Lacinato Kale
  • Beets, Carrots
  • Spring Onions, Garlic Scapes
  • Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Ronde de Nice
  • Lettuce Mix
Many people came by asking about tomatoes. It seems like it's 'time' for them to be ready, but everything seems a little behind this year because of the rain and late start to the growing season. Pete told me he estimates about 2 more weeks before the tomatoes are ready. In the meantime, here are some photos so you can see the progress for yourself:
organic tomatoes in progress
organic tomato plants
Pregnant tomato plants
We've had quite a bit of water lately. It is pretty soggy at the farm.
standing water
Standing water in some rows
Pete also mentioned that the potatoes were maybe a week away from being ready. So, be on the look out for them!


Pete showed me an awesome garlic drying rack. It's a huge structure that is on wheels and can be moved around if necessary.

All those garlic scapes we've been seeing belong to these plants! I am looking forward to some juicy garlic when these dry.

Chickens Currently, Goat Cheese (For Now), and Mushrooms

Mushrooms have arrived! Yum yum. They're great, even sautéed by themselves.

Goat Cheese: For all you fans, please know that I saw the vendor from Acorn Hill today and she reports that "the goats are still not cooperating, but we're having a talk with them." She did leave a few cheeses, so get them while you can.

Chickens! The big news is that the chickens being raised by Dakota and Mira have reached their optimum deliciousness. They are fresh in the fridge this week. Next week they'll be in the freezer, so if you'd like unfrozen, pasture-raised, non-GMO fed wings, legs, breasts (boneless and split), or a whole chicken come Friday or Saturday.

That's it for now

One of our trusty egg layers

Friday, July 11, 2014

Week 6!

(Stand open Thur 8a-7p, Fri 9a-6p, Sat 9a-3p)

Veggies available during my visit today:
Beautiful spherical squash

  • Snap peas, Carrots, Beets
  • Broccoli, Cabbage
  • Spherical squash, zucchini, yellow squash
  • arugula, lettuce mix, cucumbers
  • spring onions, garlic scapes
  • Siberian kale, escarole
There were so many things to choose from, I had trouble deciding what to get with my half share. Here are a few more pictures:
lettuce mix
Lettuce Mix

Cabbages -- they are much greener than this photo suggests

garlic scapes
Garlic scapes -- I really can't say enough about these. I love them.

Escarole -- another one of my favorites.

Food in Progress

If you've been in New Paltz this week you'll know we've been getting some crazy rain. I understand it's been a challenge to work around. Walking through the fields things looked pretty soggy, and the weeds were quite happy. But, also, the crops were all green and lush, so that's a big plus. Here is a photo of some melon plants that are quite luscious. I think these may be watermelon plants.
Melon plants. I can't wait!

What's new in vendor product offerings

Speaking of things in progress, we finally have some goat cheese! However, it was selling so fast that John tells me he thinks it won't last til Friday. The goats, it seems, are not cooperating. I guess when animals are treated humanely and aren't subject to questionable practices forcing them to produce, it leaves us at their mercy. Hang in there goat cheese lovers -- we expect them to produce more milk soon.

Last week I mentioned the brownies from much Mor bread. I can personally vouch for how incredibly delicious they are. The brownies are out of stock this week, but instead we have various flavors of high quality biscotti also made by Mor.

Quark is back! If you like sour cream, try quark. It's tasty, spreadable, soft, and creamy. Use it anywhere you're tempted to use sour cream.
I bought the Trimona yogurt last week. I really enjoyed it. It is smooth and creamy in consistency. I would also describe the flavor as smooth and mild without any kind of bite. I think it's my favorite yogurt now.

See you at the farm!

Robin and John are running the farm stand this season. I'll leave you with this silhouette of John.
Feel free to leave a comment to let me know if there's anything you'd like to know more about! --Leigh

Friday, July 4, 2014

Pickup for your feast

By the time I finish writing this, it will be the Fourth of July. Come by and pick up your share in time to light the grill -- the farm stand will be open. Please bring your own plastic bags or donate clean extras for re-use by other farm patrons.

There are beautiful squash, carrots, and other things that would work great on the grill. Here's what I saw today:
Ronde de Nice
Ronde de Nice
  • Squash -- 3 kinds
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cucumbers
  • Spicy Asian Greens -- baby mustard greens and varieties of choi; great mixed with regular salad lettuce or for a saute
  • Red and Green Leaf lettuce
  • Garlic Scapes
  • Siberian Kale
  • Beets
  • Escarole
  • Spring Onions
  • Carrots
  • English Peas(the shelling kind)
You can put some flowers on your holiday table or use fresh herbs. Scissors are available to cut your own and flowers and herbs are free for members.

 New Vendor Items

There are several new items available for purchase today:
  • Farmstead Fresh Raw milk Baby Swiss and raw milk Italian Parmona -- this vendor isn't certified organic, but uses organic methods. The Neighborly brand cheese are still being stocked as well.
  • Trimona Organic Yogurt -- this is a whole milk yogurt but is naturally lower in fat. It's Bulgarian style; John described it as a thicker style yogurt. I think it tastes really smooth with a nice flavor. It's made near Ithaca. The Hawthorne Valley and Maple Hill brand are still being stocked as well.
  • much More bread Fudgy Brownies -- bittersweet chocolate, butter, eggs, sugar, organic unbleached white wheat flour, vanilla extract, salt. You really can't go wrong. I ate one and it was the highlight of my day.
  • Full Moon Farm Grass Fed Beef: sweet pork sausage, hot pork sausage, ham steak, nitrate free bacon, ribs, pork chops, ham roast, nitrate free beef andouille, nitrate free beef chorizo, kabob/stew beef, sirloin/sirloin tip, and beef shank.
John tells me that they are still working on getting goat cheese and bread from the suppliers. Hang in there. Taliaferro's own Applesauce is still available.

Deer heaven, for now...

Ian and Rich have been busy installing fencing around a large field away from the main house. They are installing the fence, because the deer are really damaging the crops here.
Deer print right next to crops
It's a very large series of fields and installing all the fence is going to take a while.
This gives you some idea of the size of the project. (Looking West)
Poles farther than my camera can capture. (Looking North)
Even though it was a super humid and warm day, Ian and Rich were steadily working to prepare the load bearing corners and gate posts.
Rich preparing cross wires to strengthen the corner structure.

Ian, in harmony with machinery, attaching a crossbeam to a load bearing portion of the fence.
Once all the fortifying has been completed for the corners and gates, Ian explained that they would then run wires through all the fence posts, and then the fence would be attached and pulled tight. Hopefully that will keep the deer from damaging the crops as they frolic through the fields.
Deer heaven, but only for a little while longer.

Happy Fourth of July

I'll leave you with this picture of what John said looked like a Smiling Tractor. Til next week, this is Leigh signing off.